Hi everyone,
Quick update of all practices and games going on this week for all west prince storm teams
Monday, 17th
Senior women's premier - game at Hernewood field at 7:00pm against Stratford cougars
Senior women's DIV 2 - game at eastern kings sportsplex at 7:00pm against Souris lamplighters
U13 boys premier - practice at Hernewood field at 6:00pm
Tuesday, 18th
U18 girls Premier - game at Parkman complex lower at 6:30pm against Sherwood parkdale rangers
U11 boys DIV 2 - game at CQ complex Dr. Kent ellis #1 at 7:00pm against Central queens clippers
Wednesday, 19th
U15 girls premier - game at Hernewood field at 6:30pm against Stratford
U13 boys premier - game at credit union place turf U13 A at 6:30pm against Summerside united
Thursday, 20th
U18 boys DIV 1 - game at parkman complex lower at 6:30pm against Sherwood Parkdale rangers
U15 girls premier - game at Hernewood school at 6:30pm against Winsloe Charlottetown royals
U13 boys DIV 1 - game at Winsloe complex lower #2 at 6:30pm against Winsloe Charlottetown royals
U13 girls DIV 1 - game at Hernewood field at 6:30pm against Stratford
U11 boys DIV 2 - practice at Hernewood at 6:30pm
Friday, 21st
U18 boys DIV 1 - game at Stratford complex B at 7:00pm against Stratford
Saturday, 22nd
No activities
Sunday, 23rd
No activities