Welcome to our web site.
Please follow the link below to register to tryout for any of our competitive teams.
Competitive leagues begin on PEI at the Under 11 aged level - because of this we do allow under 9 aged players to tryout for an under 11 team since there is no structured league for Under 9. Last year we created an under 9 girls travel team, there were 8 girls who trained with the under 11 girls competitive team for the summer for training sessions and then they went to a couple of one day jamborees that other clubs hosted. We would be very interested in expanding this to have both a girls under 9 travel team and a boys under 9 travel team.
The official competitive teams will begin with our under 11 age for league play.
Under 11 girls and Under 11 boys leagues (players born in 2014 & 2015)
PEI Soccer has finally come to the realization that we have too many under 11 teams on the island for just two divisions. This year there will be 3 divisions of play - division 1, division 2 and division 3. We would love to see two teams in both the boys and girls side of things when all is said and done. If people are interested in coaching please send along your name to Club technical director Brian Allain at allainbrian@hotmail.com
These teams in the under 11, 13, 15 and 18 ages do play from the end of May/beginning of June to about the middle of August so you are looking at approximately a 10-12 regular game season with home games being at Hernewood and away games potentially at different locations across the Island. That really means that you are only going to have 5 to 6 away games all summer. Most teams will try to practice once a week along with their weekly game so it honestly is not a huge commitment to play for the summer. To register for one of these age groups please click on the link below.
All players under the age of 18 must be registered by the parent.
All players 18 years of age and older can create their own registration account.
For etransfers - please make sure that the player name is listed on the etransfer in the comment section.