Under 7 Community Program

Welcome to our web site.

2025 will see the local community programs teaming up with the West Prince Storm Soccer Club for a second season.  While 2024 was a very good year, there are obviously some areas that we need to improve on.  We are committed to doing just that but we can't do it alone, we are going to need volunteers in order for this to be successful.  If you are interested in helping to coach please email Club technical director Brian Allain at allainbrian@hotmail.com.  Supports will be in place to help you out and we will cover costs to take a coaching course online.  A criminal background check will need to be done before you can take part in any coaching sessions.  Please reach out for further details - you don't have to have a strong soccer background, you just need to be there and willing to help out. 

Under 7 ages (born in 2018/2019):

For the Under 7 age group - teams will hopefully be created within each of the communities of Tignish, Alberton, O'Leary and Ellerslie as well as the Bloomfield program (if we had interest in Evangeline we could have a group there or they could join up with the Ellerslie program hopefully).  We would like to see coaches volunteer in each of these communities to spend time with these players and once we know how many teams we have we can connect coaches to teams. 

We would really like to start earlier than we did in 2024 and the plan would be to train at least once a week and then do at least 3 jamborees - a kickoff event and a wrap up event along with 1 or 2 more jamborees throughout the summer. 

Therefore, all Under 7 aged players for all community programs will register thru the West Prince Storm soccer club and in the registration process you will see a question asking which community you are playing out of - please select that community and we will forward all names onward to both the community recreation directors so they have a list to help with uniform handouts and coaches who hopefully join up once we have them assigned with a team.  The Under 7 program will still be a co-ed program.

Please follow the link below to register for the summer - again, please take note that you will be asked the question of which community you are playing in, please let us know so that we can co-ordinate with the community leaders to help put the teams together.


All players under the age of 18 must be registered by the parent.

When sending your etransfer for registration fees - please take the time to put the player name in the comment section as we had quite a few registrations last year where we had to try and track down who actually sent us money.  We thank you for your co-operation.

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