Club Update - May 26 - Community Programs & Competitive Teams

May. 26, 2024

May 26, 2024
West Prince Storm Soccer Club - Community & Competitive Team update

Community Programs:

The Bloomfield Under 5 program is at maximum capacity at the moment, we are running with a waiting list for the time being - please contact Brian at to add your name to the waiting list.
The Under 7 numbers are looking very good and the Under 9 numbers we believe are looking pretty good as well from the first glance at the numbers, will be putting together the full list of registration players to this point this week to see exactly where we are at for now.  Whether we can get separate boys and girls teams remains to be seen but there is still lots of time left to register.  The Under 11 numbers however definitely could use a boost as the numbers have not been as plentiful as we would like them to be.  We are going to try and put another push thru the schools to try and get more players at all of the under 7, 9 and 11 age levels.  The plan is to have the programs begin somewhere around the end of June when school is wrapping up and run for approximately 8-9 weeks thru the summer.  A Registration deadline will be decided a little later on and registration fees will need to be paid by July 1 to avoid any late fees.
We are planning to reach out to each of the community recreation directors in the next week or two and will work on lining up coaches for each of the potential teams that each community may be having.  A coaching curriculum is being developed and each coach will receive a package with practice plans for the season as well as extra drills that they can rely on so that skill development can be at the forefront of what we are hoping to accomplish.  If you are interested in helping to coach, please feel free to reach out either to Brian at or to your local recreation directors.  Practices for the under 7 and under 9 and hopefully under 11 teams would all still take place within their own communities but the games would take place at Hernewood (jamborees for under 7 and weekly games for under 9 and 11).

Competitive teams:

***  As pretty much every competitive team has been selected now, we NEED to get the summer registrations sent in to us from everyone who has yet to do so.  The cost is $225 per player for Under 13, 18 and Senior and $200 for under 11 age.  As well, if you were in need of uniforms that cost is $30 for a full kit ($15 for just the jersey, $10 for just the shorts and $5 for just the socks).  Any registrations for the under 11 up to senior ages which have not been sent in by June 1 will have a $25 late fee attached to them.  As well, you run the risk of not being cleared to play for your league games if the fee is not paid or arrangements have not been made, ie: payment plan.  We have chased way too many times in the past with collecting registration and we are not doing it this year.
Under 11 Girls (with under 9 training group)
The team will have a practice on Monday, May 27 from 5:30 to 6:30 pm - players please go to the under 13 field as the under 11 field is still not lined and now needs to be cut for grass.  The first game for the team will be on Saturday, June 1 at 12:30 pm at Hernewood on the under 11 field.
Under 11 Boys (Green team and White team)
The two teams were selected and posted on our website the end of this past week.  Both teams will be back out on Monday, May 27 from 5:30 to 6:30 pm - players please go to the main field inside the track for this practice.  Both teams will have their first games this upcoming Saturday, June 1 - the green team will be playing at 10:00 am at Hernewood and the white team will play at 11:15 am at Hernewood.
Under 13 Girls first division
The team will have to practice on Monday night this week (May 27) to match up with my own schedule.  The practice will be from 6:30 to 7:30 pm on the under 13 field.  The first league game for them will be on Thursday, May 30 at 7 pm at Hernewood vs. Summerside.
Under 13 Boys second division
The team will have their first game on Monday night, May 27 and they will be at the Winsloe Soccer complex at 6:30 pm
Under 18 Girls first division
The team will not have a practice this week but will have their first league game on Wednesday, May 29th at 6:30 pm vs. RC United 2 to be held at Hernewood
Under 18 Girls Premier division
The team will not have a practice this week but will have a home game on Tuesday, May 28th at 6:30 pm vs. RC United to be held at Hernewood
Senior Men’s second division
The team will have their first league game on Sunday, May 26 at the Winsloe complex at 4 pm vs. Retro RC
Senior women’s first division
The team is having a tryout on Sunday, May 26 at 2 pm at Hernewood and their first league game will be on Monday, May 27th at Hernewood at 7 pm vs. Winsloe Warriers
Senior women’s third division
The team has their first league game on Monday, May 27th at 7 pm vs. Central Queen’s Clippers

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